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To better serve my clients and better maintain my sanity, I only check email once a day. 


Additionally, due to my one person operation it may take me a few days to a week to respond although I make every attempt to respond in a timely manner where possible.  


If a fast response is required, please call.        224 . 201 . 9868 


When composing an email please include your name, phone number, zip code and any important info about your project such as scale, size, and what services you are seeking.  


For those seeking benchwork / layout building quotes based on existing track plans:  Please send both the track planning file and a PDF of the file with a 1ft grid behind the drawing. 

⬇️Click  the email address to compose⬇️

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NOTE: I DO NOT BUY;  Layouts, Collections, Trains or Benchwork.  Please visit: for someone who does
I am also not interested in your SEO or website building services. Seriously, just stop wasting your time. 

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